We met up with Thomas at the end of October for his senior portraits session. It was one of the first COLD days of this fall (we saw snow flurries!) but we still managed to do half of the session outside. The other half, we enjoyed the warmth of Voxman Music Building. Keep scrolling to see the highlights!We love this area of Downtown Iowa City near the Iowa Memorial Union.There were some beautiful fall colors around the river!Out of the cold! Voxman Music Building is a beautiful spot. We love it for its unique architectural details and neutral tones.We’ve photographed Thomas’ family a few times through the years, including his older brother’s senior portraits a couple of years ago!Completely adore this maroon sweater against these gray steps. And honestly, we can’t decide which we love more: Thomas’ smile or his serious face!Thomas, thanks for an amazing senior portraits session! You rocked it (in spite of the cold). We wish you all the best for your senior year and future endeavors!