CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.


Bennett | Newborn Portraits | Iowa City, IA

We had such a perfect newborn portraits session with Bennett and family! Kim and Adam are long-time CTW clients…we have wonderful memories of photographing their wedding way back in 2016. Getting to document their expanding family is so special. Bennett was wide awake for a big chunk of his newborn portraits and could not have been any cuter with his quizzical expressions. Keep scrolling to see the adorable highlights!
We’re suckers for thoughtfully put together nursery decor. How cool is this navy accent wall?
Snuggles with mom and dad! Welcoming a newborn home is such an emotional, intimate time for families. We always feel so honored to be invited into clients’ homes to capture these cherished moments!
Kennedy is SO happy to be a big sister. We got to photograph her newborn and one-year portraits; it’s pretty amazing to see how much she’s grown in the past two years.
Naturally, being a newborn is hard work and calls for a snack break. Check out those bright eyes + the furrowed brow!! Love!
Resolutely awake and ROCKING those stripes.
So content in dad’s arms.
We see that one eye you’re keeping open, Bennett…you had us thinking you were getting sleepy for a minute there!

Not gonna lie, we are SO curious what goes through a newborn baby’s mind. Bennett seems like a deep thinker, if you ask us. Thanks for a wonderful newborn portraits session, {C} family!

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CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.

Weddings | Portraits | Commercial

CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.
CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.
CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.
CTW Photography - Professional, experienced and award-winning photographers specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Serving Iowa City and destinations worldwide.